
4500 Blalock
Houston, TX 77041

Scott Waldo

Make sure as the CEO that I am the best boss not the best employee. —Scott Waldo

Total residential construction revenue: $25,824,347

Number of pool excavations: 305

Number of locations: 3

Rank in previous years
2017: 8
2016: 9
2015: 14
2014: 7
2013: 12

Platinum Pools has been serving the greater Houston area since 1998.

Words of Wisdom

We asked each 2017 Top 50 CEO: What was the best new idea your company implemented in the last two years?

Scott Waldo, CEO
We now have weekly department head meetings, where we have set Key Performance Indicators. The KPIs have helped us to stay focused, set goals and achieve them in a timely manner. It may sound like a small change but it's had a tremendous impact on us.

Meet the Company's MVP

In 2018, we asked each CEO to name the employee whose contributions directly impacted their firm's success.

Enrique Sanchez, Warehouse Helper, Platinum Pools
We all agree that Enrique is our choice. He is invaluable as our in-house go-to guy. He does the project not everyone wants to do, with a smile on his face. When there is an internal contest for a job well done, he often wins. We call this the “Big Splash.” We gladly support his dreams to grow with Platinum.