Planning to attend the 2015 International Pool | Spa | Patio Expo in Las Vegas Nov. 10-12? Don't miss out on your chance to see new products, discover new suppliers, make key contacts, and get your industry questions answered.
Act now to receive a free Expo pass or discounts on your passes. Early Registration Ends September 22.
If you register by September 22, receive 20 percent off a Super Pass. APSP members pay $180 and non-members pay $228. Savings of 20 percent also are available for day passes. APSP members pay just $112, and non-members pay $132.
To get your early registration discounts, click here.
There are a few stipulations to the early registration discounts, however. The discount applies to new registrations only. No refunds will be issued for pre-existing registrations. And discounts not applicable to MA or NEM registrations.