The Pool & Hot Tub Alliance has begun to explore how it will integrate the various educational programs that it has inherited.

PHTA officially formed in April with the merger of the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals and the National Swimming Pool Foundation. That means it manages the considerable catalog of courses and certifications offered by both former organizations, as well as Genesis, which came as part of NSPF.

The organization has formed a committee with representatives who come from APSP, NSPF and Genesis to create a structure that accommodates the courses. So far, it is looking to develop a university-type tiered system, with Genesis courses serving as the equivalent of a graduate-school program, said Lawrence Caniglia, PHTA’s interim CEO.

The committee also is developing standards and criteria that its instructors will have to meet, to ensure consistency among the various programs.

PHTA also continues its search for a permanent CEO by autumn. Caniglia, who signed on for a short term, plans to retire upon his replacement. Several promising individuals have submitted for the position, but PHTA is seeking to expand its prospects by seeking out qualified individuals within the pool/spa industry.