The owner of an apartment complex in St. Paul, Minn., has demolished an abandoned pool on his property and has filled it in to create a playground instead.

It is welcomed news to neighbors who saw the pool sit unused since 1996. Despite multiple complaints, it took the most recent owner three years and the near-drowning of two children to do so.

Since the incident unfolded over Memorial Day weekend leaving one child in critical condition, several abandoned pools in the area also have been drained, with the fire marshal leading the charge.

But his task is not an easy one to complete. In fact, the recent events have highlighted a problematic hole in the inspection process of the area's pools and has prompted action for more serious safety measures.

According to an ABC report, The Minnesota Department of Health handles inspections for public and private pools, but vacant pools aren't included.

"...under state law, the responsibility for the pool transferred from the city to the Minnesota Department of Health, but the Department of Health says that is not true. They say they are only responsible for active pools, and not closed or abandoned ones. That means no one — not the state or the city — was inspecting or supervising a pool that had been cited as a danger to children."

This has led to finger-pointing between the city and state officials leaving the area's residents to essentially be responsible for reporting abandoned or potentially hazardous swimming pools to the proper authorities. Read More