As the nation readies for this year's swim season, May will be recognized as National Water Safety Month, with May 15 being named National Water Safety Day.

Several pool and aquatics associations, including the Pool and Hot Tub Alliance, the World Waterpark Association, the American Red Cross, and the National Park and Recreation Association will be working to promote drowning prevention.

Free resources to support National Water Safety Month, suitable for businesses and consumers, can be found at

To promote water safety, the Consumer Product Safety Commission's Pool Safely program has kicked off #PledgeItOn. Through this social media campaign, individuals sign a pledge saying they will take steps to protect people from drowning, such as taking their children to swimming lessons, assigning a water-watcher around the pool, and learning CPR, among others. The participant then posts messages about the pledge on their social-media platforms, and tags three friends, challenging them to do the same.