I recently made a major change in my life. After more than 10 years of dreaming of living at the beach in southern California, my boyfriend and I made the big move two weeks ago.
While I'm very excited and pleased about this, the transition has forced me to make some additional adjustments.
Leaving for work much earlier to shorten my 16-mile commute (in Los Angeles this short distance can take upwards of 2 hours to drive!), is but one. Another: juggling a move while assuming a new role at work (a welcomed change of course, but one that comes with extra hours of working and learning).
Perhaps the most significant, however, is having to leave my CrossFit gym and finding a new one in my neighborhood. Sounds like a simple thing, but it turns out I was much more attached to the community at my old gym and the friendships I forged there during the last 16 months.
CrossFit is a sport that consists of constantly varied, high-intensity, functional movements involving weightlifting, sprinting, and gymnastics. But at its core, CrossFit is about community. It's about supporting one another and encouraging participants to go beyond their limitations to achieve new personal goals. All of this builds an amazing team ethic that makes working out fun and exciting.
CrossFit also was an outlet for me. When I was at the gym, every worry in my mind was replaced with the tough challenge of the day's workout. It's all I could think about. All my stresses disappeared. It was all about the task at hand.
Because CrossFit is a brand of exercise that is available at affiliates throughout the world, I am sure I will find a new home to test my endurance, strength and stamina. It will never replace my former gym and the amazing community there, but it will be a new and unique experience all its own.
If you don't have this type of outlet in your life, I highly recommend it. You certainly don't have to find this community in CrossFit. Any club, organization or volunteer service that appeals to your interests may suffice.
Not only will you discover things about yourself you didn't know before, but you also will create long-lasting friendships, share experiences, and perhaps even do good for others. Most of all, you will take time from your busy work schedule to do something for yourself.
Community and clarity of mind are important to have as we move into the hectic pool season. Be sure to take care of yourself outside of the "office" so you can provide better service for your customers. Trust me. You'll be glad you do it.