Florida’s Construction Industry Licensing Board (CILB) has released its ruling defining the scope of electrical work that pool professionals can perform.
Last year, after the electrocution death of a service technician, officials began to consider whether state law actually allows pool and spa professionals to install lights and perform other work, as reported in November. Following the tragedy, electricians began to lobby the state to require licensed electricians to connect electrical pool and spa equipment. The industry, on the other hand, said the law allows pool and spa professionals to work on the load side of the system to replace pumps, lights and other electrically powered equipment.
The law seemed to leave room for interpretation, so areas were beginning to enforce it differently. Because of this, the Florida Swimming Pool Association (FSPA) requested clarification from the CILB.
The agency issued its ruling, which FSPA interprets as allowing pool/spa professionals to replace lights, pumps, motors, heat pumps, automation systems and the like. However, the organization believes, if the system will require a new circuit, an electrician must perform that work.
“FSPA believes this was what our members have been abiding by for decades, but questions have arisen in the past few years and this rule should bring resolution,” the organization said in a communication to its members.