Photo by Iwan Baan

The team behind +Pool — a longstanding initiative for a self-filtering pool in New York City — has unveiled an LED installation in the East River that changes color to reflect the water conditions for swimming. Spanning 50 feet long and 50 feet wide, +Pool Light takes the form of a plus sign. The group sees this shape as “a symbol of positivity ... [and] ... inclusivity, in that the water that surrounds us belongs to no one single group, but to everyone,” according to a project description by the +Pool team.

The lamps glow teal when pathogen levels in the water are safe, and switch to pink when they reach dangerous levels. “The brightness, frequency, and sharpness of the lights [are] reflected in oxygen, turbidity, and pH, respectively,” the team writes. +Pool Light will be on view until Jan. 3, 2020.

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