The 2013 Int’l Pool | Spa | Patio Expo [PSP] will be returning to Las Vegas and will take place November 12-14, 2013, at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center.

 To secure a booth at the lowest possible rate, sign up to participate in Early Space Draw by submitting your contract and deposit no later than January 18, 2013.

If you’re looking to get more ROI for your investment in PSP, this is an EXCELLENT way to reap the benefits of a full year of marketing your presence at PSP and take advantage of cost-saving opportunities. It doesn’t get any better, any easier or any more cost-effective.

For more information, click here and scroll to the "2013 PSP Expo" section.

Save the date for 2013:  

Exhibits: November 12-14 | Conference: November 9-14

Mandalay Bay Convention Center | Las Vegas, Nevada USA | 972.536.6350 |[email protected]