In an effort to reach out to the large number of Spanish-speaking pool service technicians, IPSSA is releasing its “Part 1 Water Chemistry Workbook” in Spanish. Being a member of IPSSA isn’t necessary to purchase the workbook. Association members and nonmembers can buy copies.

Written by Robert Lowry, “Part 1 Water Chemistry” is made up of four books. Each book comes with a test at the end.

The Basic Training Manuals focus on a variety of topics including water chemistry, properties of water, pool types, volume calculations, measurements and standards to water chemistry and balance, chemistry of chlorination water testing to name a few.

A spokesperson for IPSSA stated that the Association “recognizes the growing number of Spanish-speakers in the pool and spa service industry and created the Spanish-language workbook to meet that market need.”

Copies of the training manuals and workbooks can be purchased through IPSSA’s online store.

Update: IPSSA would like to note that that manual being released is actually a workbook and not just the manual as they previously stated. Those changes are reflected above.