When we asked the Top 50 Builders to name their company MVPs, a number of them chose key staff from their service and retail departments. Here are the six who proved themselves to be invaluable to their companies.
Meet the Company's MVP
In 2018, we asked each CEO to name the employee whose contributions directly impacted their firm's success.

Cody Sutton, Customer Service Technician, Cody Pools
Cody is a prime example of the hard work, professionalism, teamwork and customer service that allow Cody Pools to maintain a high level of excellence. He takes great pride in what he does every day and goes above and beyond to share knowledge with others on his team.
Meet the Company's MVP - 2018
We asked each CEO to name the employee whose contributions directly impacted their firm's success.

Jeff Jollimore, Service Coordinator, Environmental Pools
Jeff has developed and maintained a fast-growing service department over the last three years. He has an exceptional work ethic and brings a positive attitude each day. His focus on providing clients the highest level of service helped the continued growth of the department.
Meet the Company's MVP - 2018
We asked each CEO to name the employee whose contributions directly impacted their firm's success.

James Whiting, Service Tech, Sunshine Fun Pools
Mr. James, as we call him, is a very special person, not only to our company but to many others. He has raised more foster kids than I can count. He has helped feed hundreds of others, while fighting cancer himself. He is the very definition of what it means to be selfless and hardworking.
Meet the Company's MVP - 2018
We asked each CEO to name the employee whose contributions directly impacted their firm's success.

Justin Lex, Service Manager, Swimming Pool Services
Justin cares deeply about our clients and can recall details about their pools that nobody else can remember. He has a professional demeanor and represents the company well. With multiple balls in the air, Justin keeps the company on a path of improvement.
Meet the Company's MVP - 2018
We asked each CEO to name the employee whose contributions directly impacted their firm's success.

Nadine Nuzzo, Retail Division Manager, Arvidson Pools
Nadine's likability and wealth of knowledge aid every new pool customer as their relationship with Arvidson's construction division transitions over to water care and maintenance. Our customer surveys frequently acknowledge and thank Nadine for her support and excellent listening skills.
Meet the Company's MVP - 2018
We asked each CEO to name the employee whose contributions directly impacted their firm's success.

Nick Day, Service Manager, Gohlke Pools
Nick is an excellent teacher and provides weekly training for our service technicians. In addition, he teaches Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University to our staff members as well as to the community. He has been a strong force behind us improving our company culture.