These companies received the highest possible score for community service. High marks were earned by those that organized fundraising efforts or donated their handiwork

“It is always such a gift to give back to those in need,” said Puryear Pools in its Top 50 entry materials.

Cipriano Landscape Design: Awards $10,000 in scholarships to Rutgers students through the Cipriano Keeping It Green Foundation.

Claffey Pools: Provided a pool through the Make-A-Wish Foundation to a young lady in need.

Concord Pools: Provided vehicles, funding and organizational efforts to help Hurricane Sandy victims with supplies and assistance.

Monogram Custom Homes and Pools: Organized a Habitat for Humanity fundraiser that netted $100,000 for hurricane victims.

NVblu Inc.: Has for 16 years funded and maintained websites for all local swimming and diving leagues.

Pulliam Aquatech Pools: Holds a yearly golf tournament to raise funds for local causes, including up to $15,000 for a local children’s charity.

Puryear Custom Pools: Performed its annual “Project Puryear,” in which it organizes the rehabilitation of a family’s home.

Rising Sun Pools: Provided a pool to a local girl suffering a debilitating immune disease, through Make-A-Wish.

Rosebrook Pools: Donated basements and walkways for two Habitat for Humanity homes in the Chicago area.

Shasta Industries: Built a backyard pool for the Wounded Warrior Project; provided office space and support for a local youth charity.