
2230 Bush Dr., Suite 1
McKinney, TX 75070

John Versfelt
Total residential construction revenue: $7,934,755

Number of pool excavations: 73

Number of locations: 1

Number of staff: 34

Southernwind Pools was founded by John Versfelt in Dallas Texas in 1983. Now located in an elegant showroom in McKinney Texas, Southernwind Pools has gained a reputation with homeowners and home builders alike as a premier provider of high-quality, high-value swimming pools.

Meet the Company's MVP - 2018

We asked each CEO to name the employee whose contributions directly impacted their firm's success.

Moses Campos, Pool Designer, Southernwind Pools
Moses originally joined our company as a maintenance and repair technician, but then expressed interest in becoming a designer. Today, he is our top designer with a record $3.4 million in new business in 2017.