
12 Esquire Road North
Billerica, MA 01862

Robert Guarino

All work is COD. —Robert Guarino

Total residential construction revenue: $10,556,491

Number of pool excavations: 97

Number of locations: 1

Rank in previous years
2017: 19
2015: 25
2014: 31
2013: 19

South Shore Gunite Pools & Spas has been serving New England since 1975. The company offers everything from pool construction and design to maintenance and renovations. The firm participates in APSP, NSPF, ASA< ACI and the NPC associations.

Words of Wisdom

We asked each 2017 Top 50 CEO: What was the best new idea your company implemented in the last two years?

Robert Guarino, CEO
We bought a CAT 320 excavator and a HartlCrusher bucket and recycle concrete. We take cementicious demolition waste, crush it into 1-inch minus back fill material and sell it back to our customers at a reduced rate. This also keeps employees busy during slow times.

Meet the Company's MVP - 2018

We asked each CEO to name the employee whose contributions directly impacted their firm's success.

Mason Guarino, Vice President, South Shore Gunite Pools and Spas
Mason started by learning to install rebar during summer, and he dedicated his free time in high school and college to contribute and learn to build pools well. After graduating college with a Bachelors in construction management, he has become a leader in the company. He is always up for any challenge.