
2725 Altamesa Blvd.
Fort Worth, TX 76133

Debra Smith

You can’t take it personally if someone is having a bad day. And that’s very important with employees. Treat everyone respectfully because you don’t know what they’re going through at the moment. Mother always used to tell us that. —Debra Smith

Total residential construction revenue: $15,820,751

Number of pool excavations: 231

Number of locations: 2

Rank in previous years
2017: 20
2016: 20
2015: 6
2014: 8
2013: 7

Pulliam Pools is a continuation of a family construction business founded in 1916 by brothers Theodore Cresswell Pulliam and Frank L. “Pop” Pulliam. Three generations of Pulliams ran the business, and Barry Pulliam sold the pool building firm in 2009 to two employees — Debra Smith and Mike Clark.

Words of Wisdom

We asked each 2017 Top 50 CEO: What was the best new idea your company implemented in the last two years?

Debra Smith, CEO
Pulliam celebrated its centennial in 2016. The owners understand that to continue in business, we must identify and determine the next generation of leaders in our organization. To that end, we have reorganized employees and have taken some from leadership in their comfort zone and increased their roles in other areas. It is important that these future leaders understand how all the different areas interact and depend on one another. We have also identified and targeted areas where our growth has been and are concentrating on expanding in those areas, including building new structures. There is excitement in our team with the future planning and expansion.

Meet the Company's MVP - 2018

We asked each CEO to name the employee whose contributions directly impacted their firm's success.

Andrew Fluty, Sales Manager, Pulliam Aquatech Pools
Andrew started his career with Pulliam as a teen, and has excelled and worked his way to sales manager. He is a true asset and handles things in many areas from sales, management and construction. He has a keen eye for design and treats the company as if it were his own.

Meet the Company's MVP

In 2016, we asked each CEO to name the employee whose contributions directly impacted their firm's success.

Diane Wolf, Accounting Manager
Diane’s strengths lie in her ability to sort through details and solve problems. She has developed methodologies in her job that are precise and exacting in detail. She is loyal, trustworthy, fun and well loved by everyone.