
3891 S. Clarks Creek Rd.
Plainfield, IN 46168

Tim Colon

Someone told me as a young adult that they were only good as the people around him. I never forgot that advice and applied it, or tried to, to my business life and personal life as well. —Tim Colon

Total residential construction revenue: $5,566,941

Number of pool excavations: 92

Number of locations: 6

Number of staff: 20

Rank in previous years
2015: 23
2014: 47
2013: 22

Pools of Fun has been in business since 1981 and has a “people first” policy. The company is a pool partner for the Indianapolis Colts and claims over 4,500 installed in-ground pools. On average, the company’s employees have been Pools of Fun for 12 years. With six locations they are one of the larger pool builders in Indiana.

Meet the Company's MVP

Alex Arnold, Installation Specialist
Alex has proven to be reliable, knowledgeable and flexible in his commitment to ensuring that the pools being installed are of the highest quality and exceed expectations. He’s a team player: He transitions to any position in any area at the asking. The only complaint is that there is only one of him.