What distinguishes Top 50 Builders from the pack?

They represent the type of contractors that move the industry forward. They generate healthy residential construction revenues, place high value on employee training and retention, and insist on tapping into the construction and business communities by joining organizations inside and outside the industry. They’ve established highly visible and engaged profiles in the webisphere. To boot, they’re Good Samaritans, often finding creative ways to give back to the community.

SEE:  The complete list of builders

This is the 14th year in which Pool & Spa News has utilized a special scoring formula to reveal the most well-rounded pool construction companies in the industry. And, once again, this year’s mix includes builders large and small, high-end and high-volume, east and west. Click on the slideshow at the top left to view key statistics about the group and lists showing which honorees scored the highest in the various judging categories.

SEE: Top 50 Builders' revenue by rank

At a glance

To paint a comprehensive view of the list, we're presenting some of the data in new, visually compelling ways. See where the Top 50 live, work and create, and look at how the number of digs per year translates to their residential revenue.

CUSTOMER SERVICE: The five Top 50 companies that ranked highest in this category tell how they turned homeowner frowns upside down.

BUILDING THE PERFECT HOUZZ: Top 50 Builders offer tips on getting the most out of their profiles on the popular Houzz site.

Builder Bites

Also new this year, we're interviewing each builder on the list in-depth about various topics and presenting a podcast, Top 50 Builder Bites, to be updated on an ongoing basis. Click below to hear the first clips.