Here at Pool & Spa News, we are waist-deep in awards season -- and we love it!
Earlier this month, we rolled out our PSN Top 50 Builders list. We're completing the selection of our PSN Masters of Design for our special gallery in the August issue. Plus, we just announced our new Top 50 Service program (apply here). This is the season when we get to immerse ourselves in the best this industry has to offer, and it serves as a great reminder of how and why swimming pools and spas enhance lives around the world.
In that vein, we wanted to look at our Top 50 Builders from one more perspective. Please enjoy the interactive features created by our talented staff to help compare performance stats among builders and the regions and segments in which they operate.
Here, we see how much revenue was generated by the various segments in which building firms participate.
In the scatterplot, take note of the colors that denote each region for easy viewing. This particular graphic works subtractively, so you need to click the regions that you do not want to view to remove them.
Top 50 Builder Activity in 2017
And, finally, this listing of the Top 50 Builders has been sorted and tabbed into regions.