Fiberglass pool maker Leisure Pools has announced plans to move its North American headquarters from New Braunfels, Texas, to a new facility in Knoxville, Tenn. The firm will invest $6.2 million in the new plant, an 80-acre property with more than 350,000 square feet of space in multiple buildings, which also will be used to recruit and train new and existing dealers. “As a result of continued growth, Leisure Pools undertook a nationwide search to identify a larger manufacturing site to relocate the manufacturing operations and the company’s headquarters,” stated David Pain, president of Leisure Pools. “Knoxville was identified as the ideal location for Leisure Pools to relocate due to a highly skilled composite work force and its excellent geographical location to a large portion of our 250-plus strong dealer network in North America. …” The company is scheduled to close on the property later this year.