Safe Kids Worldwide, with support from Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company’s Make Safe Happen program, has released a new water-safety study.

The work is titled, “Keeping Kids Safe In and Around Water: Exploring Misconceptions that Lead to Drowning.” In addition to exploring current patterns of fatal drowning, the work highlights seven common parental water-safety misconceptions.

According to the study, most parents surveyed mistakenly believe that they will be able to hear their children if they begin to drown, that it’s safe to take their attention off of their children while near a pool, and that a fence surrounding a pool will prevent their children from drowning.

The study reinforces facts that the pool, spa and aquatics industries have known for years. However, some might be surprised at two of the misconceptions: Many of the parents surveyed believe that a child who knows how to swim will not drown, and many don’t feel that they need to learn CPR.

In order to reach the broadest audience possible and move forward with a behavior shift, the study will be disseminated to a variety of swimming organizations, as well as the Centers for Disease Control and the American Red Cross.

“We’re working to reach every parent and caregiver to highlight the common misconceptions about water safety ... and encourage action,” said Kate Carr, president and CEO of Safe Kids Worldwide.