Just before Thanksgiving, we received an outrageous work site photo and thought it would be fun to ask readers to write a funny caption for it.
A number of you chimed in with some clever comments. A user, who goes by the screen name "bigblockstang," covered all the bases with his submission, touching on the industry relevant subject of the do-it-yourself vs. professional model, as well as the sometimes challenging yet somehow special relationship between husband and wife. Of course, we couldn't help but create this meme.

Here are a few of our other favorites: Uncle Gary: "My engineering degree paid off in one job and mom said i wouldn't amount to anything."
Chuck Pigott: "Damm Carl, I told you don't drink the primer !!"
Citori: "Hold this joint. Oh wait we smoked it!"
Joyce: "BREAKING NEWS....Giant white spider attacks pool equipment pad.!"
Have a funny caption for this photo? Or like another caption better? Add your comments to the original list here, or include it in the comments section below.
If you have come across a ridiculous pool- or spa-related job in your travels and took a photo, send us your picture for a chance to have it included in a future Caption This! contest. Email your images to [email protected].