Paul Winans

Paul Winans, a veteran remodeler, who worked as a consultant to remodeling business owners, and a facilitator for Remodelers Advantage, is now enjoying retirement. Paul's book, "The Remodeling Life: A Journey from Laggard to Leader" is available on Amazon. Paul can be reached at [email protected]

Paul Winans's Posts

What's New in Your Store?

What's New in Your Pool & Spa Store, Josh Kemerling?

A fresh interior design sets the newest Georgia Spa Co. location apart from the pack.

What’s New in Your Pool & Spa Store, Zac Nicklas?

Store renovations and a new e-commerce site have been keeping this new...

What's New in Your Pool & Spa Store, Jessica Harkins?

Things are looking good for this pool retailer's inaugural year.

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