Pool construction growth remains steady but more gradual than other remodeling... More
Witte performed entrapment tests decades before the phenomenon became a nationwide... More
Recent research shows the benefits of water exercise for Alzheimer’s sufferers. More
University of South Carolina researchers take a different approach More
The 2016 Landscaping & Garden Trends Study sounds promising for pool/spa industry... More
The document highlights the research-based benefits of water immersion and activity. More
New research shows that immersion is helpful for a variety of medical conditions. More
A recent study polled inspectors about the violations they see most More
The consulting and research organization onBalance seeks a completely different set of rules for resolving the disagreement over spot etching More
The NPC and onBalance have held deep animosity against each other for a long time More
A fresh interior design sets the newest Georgia Spa Co. location apart from the pack.
MoreStore renovations and a new e-commerce site have been keeping this new...
MoreThings are looking good for this pool retailer's inaugural year.