Thomas Lachocki, Ph.D.

Tom Lachocki is CEO of the National Swimming Pool Foundation. He earned his Ph.D. in Chemistry from Louisiana State University and his B.S. from Lock Haven University. He has held positions in research and business development in recreational-water treatment, surfactants, lubricants, catalysts, and solvents prior to joining NSPF in 2003; he is an inventor on eight patents. He has held leadership positions in various trade association committees and Boards of Directors.

Thomas Lachocki, Ph.D.'s Posts

What's New in Your Store?

What's New in Your Pool & Spa Store, Josh Kemerling?

A fresh interior design sets the newest Georgia Spa Co. location apart from the pack.

What’s New in Your Pool & Spa Store, Zac Nicklas?

Store renovations and a new e-commerce site have been keeping this new...

What's New in Your Pool & Spa Store, Jessica Harkins?

Things are looking good for this pool retailer's inaugural year.

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