
6031 N. 16th St.
Phoenix, AZ 85016

Skip Ast Sr.

[The best advice I received was] to pray about everything. —Skip Ast Sr.

Total residential construction revenue: $33,000,000

Number of pool excavations: 691

Number of locations: 4

Rank in previous years
2017: 2
2016: 3
2015: 4
2014: 3
2013: 2

Bob Ast founded the business in 1966. A year later, his brother Skip joined and pool sales surged. The company now builds pools, remodels pools, manufactures pool products, builds commercial and Olympic pools, and has a service division. In 2012, Shasta sold its six pool supply stores to Leslie's Poolmart Inc.

Words of Wisdom

We asked each 2017 Top 50 CEO: What was the best new idea your company implemented in the last two years?

Ed "Skip" Ast, President
Shasta began working on new deck coating techniques and released them to our customers in early 2016. The popularity of these coating techniques grew and by the end of the year surpassed paver and other hardscape sales.

Meet the Company's MVP

In 2018, we asked each CEO to name the employee whose contributions directly impacted their firm's success.

Will Chrisman, Fleet Maintenance Manager, Shasta Pools
Will’s dedication and drive to ensure Shasta’s fleet of over 100 vehicles are operational plays a significant role. Vehicles range from small portable generators to CDL-rated dump, finish and transport trucks. We have a fleet of 14 service vans. Will manages all this with the help of two mechanics.